国土交通省は、ASEANスマートシティ・ネットワーク(以下「ASCN」)※1との協力を推進するため、 令和6年10月29、30日に、東京都内において、第6回日ASEANスマートシティ・ネットワーク ハイレベル会合をASEAN各国、国内関係省庁、関係自治体と連携して開催する予定です。
※1 ASEANスマートシティ・ネットワークとは
- 日程:
- 2024年10月29日(火)~30日(水)
- 会場:
- 日本科学未来館
- 主催:
- 国土交通省(協力:内閣府、総務省、外務省、経済産業省、環境省)
- 議長:
- 日本:国土交通省
ASEAN:ラオス 公共事業運輸省 - 出席者:
- ASEANスマートシティ・ネットワーク(ASCN)関係者(スマートシティ担当省庁及び都市代表者等)、ASEAN事務局、日本自治体、日本企業、他関係団体 等
プログラム 2024年10月29日(火)
10:00~ |

- 石橋 林太郎
- 国土交通大臣政務官

- 石橋 林太郎
- 国土交通大臣政務官
Date of Birth:May 2, 1978
Place of Birth:Hiroshima, Japan
Education: Osaka University of Foreign Studies(Incomplete)
Member of the House of Representatives (HR) (Elected Once)
Constituency:Proportional-Representation Chugoku bloc
- October 2024
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Ishiba Cabinet)
- September 2023
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Second Kishida Cabinet(Second Reschuffle))
- October 2021
- Elected to House of Representatives for the first time
- April 2015
- Elected to the Hiroshima Prefectural Assembly (2 terms)

- H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn
- Secretary-General of ASEAN

- H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn
- Secretary-General of ASEAN
Dr. Kao Kim Hourn’s career has focused on strengthening Cambodia’s international relations, particularly in ASEAN, driving policy advocacy and promoting research, education, and development. Dr. Kao had served as a two-term Minister Delegate attached to the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, from 2013 to 2022. He has authored dozens of books and articles on Cambodia and ASEAN.
Dr. Kao is a Member of the Supreme National Economic Council, a Senior Fellow at the Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia, and a Member of the Global Council of The Asia Society. He serves as a Member of the Board of Directors for the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace and the Worldwide Support for Development.
With the mission of providing education to the disadvantaged Cambodian youths, Dr. Kao established The University of Cambodia in 2003 and continued to serve as the university president until he stepped down in October 2022.
For his services to Cambodia, Dr. Kao received the Royal Order of Cambodia, the Royal Order of Sowathara, and the Grand Order of National Merit, among others. He was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Public Service from Ohio University in the United States, in 2007, and an Honorary Doctorate in Literature from the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology in India, in 2014. In addition, Dr. Kao received an Honorary Doctorate in Political Science from the Busan University of Foreign Studies, in the Republic of Korea, in June 2023, in recognition of his work and contribution to ASEAN. In recognition of Dr. Kao’s achievements in the field of political science and international affairs, he was conferred the Honorary Title of “Guest Professor” by Zhengzhou University, in Henan Province, the People’s Republic of China, on 15 October 2023. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn was conferred an Honourable Member of the International Advisory Board of the Institute of ASEAN Studies at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, on 2 November 2023. Most recently, Dr. Kao was conferred the title of “Specially Invited Professor” by Hiroshima University, Japan, on 21 May 2024.
Dr. Kao started his career with the work in the think tank in Cambodia, dedicated to ASEAN and international affairs, after his return from his studies in the United States, in January 1993. He later joined the Royal Government of Cambodia where he had served, from August 2001 to August 2013, in a variety of capacities, including a post as Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, for two terms, from 2004 to 2013.
Dr. Kao completed Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies from Baylor University, Master of Arts in Political Science and Master of Arts in International Studies from Ohio University, and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
He is married with two adult children who live in Phnom Penh.

- 西田 昭二
- 総務大臣政務官

- 西田 昭二
- 総務大臣政務官
Date of Birth: May 1, 1969, born in Ishikawa Prefecture
Member of the House of Representatives; Constituency: Ishikawa 3rd District, elected twice as a member of the House of Representatives
Brief personal history
- Mar. 1992
- Graduated from the Department of Commerce, Aichi Gakuin University
- Apr. 1992
- Secretary to Mr. Riki Kawara, Member of the House of Representatives
- Oct. 2001
- Member, Nanao City Council (3 terms)
- Apr. 2007
- Member, Ishikawa Prefectural Assembly (3 terms)
- Apr. 2015
- Vice-Chairperson, Ishikawa Prefectural Assembly
- Oct. 2017
- Elected to the House of Representatives for the first term (48th General Election)
- Nov. 2019
- Special member, National Land Council (Subcommittee on Measures for Heavy Snowfall Zones)
- Oct. 2021
- Elected to the House of Representatives for the second term (49th general election)
- Aug. 2022
- Parliamentary Secretary for Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Parliamentary Secretary for the Cabinet Office, and Parliamentary Secretary for Reconstruction (2nd Kishida Reshuffle Cabinet)
- Jan. 2024
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications (2nd Kishida Cabinet (2nd Reshuffle))

- 竹内 真二
- 経済産業大臣政務官

- 竹内 真二
- 経済産業大臣政務官
Mr. Takeuchi Shinji was appointed Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry on October 3, 2024. In this key role, Mr. Takeuchi will lead the coordination of ongoing government efforts dedicated to the economic revitalization of the Fukushima region. His responsibilities also include oversight of Green Transformation (GX) promoting Japan’s drive to transition to a decarbonized society while achieving economic growth.
Immediately prior to his current appointment, Mr. Takeuchi served as Chairman of the Special Committee on Disasters at the House of Councillors, the upper house of the National Diet of Japan. A representative of the Komeito political party, Mr. Takeuchi has served in House of Councillors since 2017.
Before seeking elected office, Mr. Takeuchi spent more than three decades at Komei Shimbun, a national newspaper, where he rose to the position of Deputy Managing Editor.
A graduate of Waseda University’s School of Political Science and Economics, Mr. Takeuchi was born on March 19,1964, in Tokyo.

- 朝日 健太郎
- 環境大臣政務官

- 朝日 健太郎
- 環境大臣政務官
Date of Birth: September 19, 1975
Place of Birth: Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
Member of the House of Councillors
Elected two times, Tokyo District
- 1998
- Graduated from Hosei University, Faculty of Business Administration (BA)
- 2014
- Completed Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University (MA)
Professional Career
- 1998
- Joined Suntory Spirits Ltd.
- 2008
- Selected as member of National Beach Volleyball Team for the Beijing Olympics
- 2012
- Selected as member of National Beach Volleyball Team for the London Olympics
- 2013
- Chairperson, Association for Beach Life Japan (NPO)
- 2016
- Elected for first time to the House of Councillors (24th General Election)
- 2019
- Deputy Director, Environment Division, Liberal Democratic Party
- 2020
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Suga Cabinet)
- 2022
- Elected for second time to the House of Councillors (25th General Election)
- 2022
- Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with the Environment, Liberal Democratic Party
- 2022
- Director, Committee on Environment, the House of Councillors
- 2023
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment (Second Kishida Cabinet, Second Reshuffle)
- 2024
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister of the Environment (ISHIBA Cabinet)
Skiing, running, shoe shining
Personal Motto
Keeping first resolutions for life
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10:35~ |
共同議長挨拶(ASCN) Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic |

- 天河 宏文
- 国土交通審議官

- 天河 宏文
- 国土交通審議官
Date of Birth June, 1966
The University of Tokyo
BA of Law
Employment Record
- July. 2024
- Vice Minister for Land, Infrastructure and Hokkaido Development Affairs
- June. 2022
- Director-General, City Bureau
- July. 2021
- Deputy Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination, Minister's Secretariat
- July. 2020
- Deputy Director-General, Land Economy and Construction Industries Bureau
- July. 2019
- Director for Personnel Division, Minister’s Secretariat
- July. 2018
- Counselor for Personnel Division, Minister’s Secretariat
- July. 2015
- Director for Urban Renaissance Agency
- August.2013
- Director, Community Development Promotion Division, City Bureau
- September.2012
- Director for Coordination Office of Private Project Support, General Affairs Division, Housing Bureau
- August. 2010
- Director for Personnel Affairs, Personnel Division, Minister’s Secretariat
- July. 2008
- Director for General Affairs, General Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat
- July. 2007
- Director for Supervision over Architects and Building Confirmation Services, Building Guidance Division, Housing Bureau
- July. 2005
- Senior Deputy Director, General Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat
- April. 2003
- Deputy Director of Community Development Promotion Division, City and Regional Development Bureau
- AprIl. 1990
- Joined Ministry of Construction

- Dr. Douangphachanh Viengnam
- Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic

- Dr. Douangphachanh Viengnam
- Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic
- 2014
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, Graduate School of Urban Environmental Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
- 2007
- Master’s degree of Regional Development, School of Geography, Planning and Architecture. The University of Queensland, Australia
- 2003
- Master’s degree of Engineering, Department of City Planning. Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
- 1997
- Bachelor’s degree of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Engineering, National University of Laos
- 2020
- Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- 2018
- Deputy Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport
- 2014
- Director of Engineering Division, Public Works and Transport Institute, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR
- 2008
- Deputy Director of Engineering Division, Public Works and Transport Institute, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR
- 2005
- Engineer, Public Works and Transport Institute, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR
- 2000
- Engineer, Public Works and Transport Institute, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao PDR
- 1997
- Technical staff, the State’s Investment Division, Department of Planning and Cooperation, Sayaboury Province, Lao PDR.
10:40~ |

- 森 昌文
- 内閣総理大臣補佐官

- 森 昌文
- 内閣総理大臣補佐官
Academic Background
- March 2012
- PhD in Engineering, University of Tsukuba
- March 1981
- BSc in Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo
Professional Career
- October 2024
- Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, in charge of National Resilience Building, Social Capital Development, S&T and Innovation Policy, (Ishiba Cabinet)
- September 2023
- Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, in charge of National Resilience Building, Social Capital Development, S&T and Innovation Policy, (2nd Kishida Cabinet(2nd reshuffled))
- August 2022
- Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, in charge of National Resilience Building, Social Capital Development, S&T and Innovation Policy, (2nd Kishida Cabinet(reshuffled))
- January 2022
- Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, in charge of National Resilience Building, Social Capital Development, S&T and Innovation Policy, (2nd Kishida Cabinet)
- June 2020
- Representative Director and Executive Vice President, East Nippon Expressway Co. Ltd. (NEXCO East)
- July 2019
- Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
- July 2018
- Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, MLIT
- June 2016
- Vice-Minister for Engineering Affairs, MLIT
- July 2015
- Director-General of Roads, MLIT
- July 2014
- Director-General, MLIT Kinki Regional Development Bureau
- August 2013
- Assistant Vice-Minister for Engineering Affairs, MLIT
Various posts at Roads Bureau of MLIT, including Director of Planning - 1998—2000
- Seconded to the U.S. Department of Transportation, in Washington, D.C., USA
- April 1981
- Joined the Ministry of Construction
Personal History
Born on January 3, 1959, in Nara Prefecture
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ASEAN事務局 発表 Director of the ASEAN Connectivity Division, Office of the Secretary-General, ASEAN |
11:10~ |
ASCN各国における取組 Mayor, Luang Prabang City, Lao People's Democratic Republic Director General of Regional Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic of Indonesia Deputy Governor of Siem Reap Province, Kingdom of Cambodia Director General, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport, Kingdom of Thailand Asst. City Administrator Davao City Government, Republic of the Philippines Undersecretary, Urban Sustainability and Green Environment Division, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia Head of Smart Nation Office, Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, Brunei Darussalam |

- Mr. Lim Chze Cheen
- Director of the ASEAN Connectivity Division, Office of the Secretary-General, ASEAN

- Mr. Lim Chze Cheen
- Director of the ASEAN Connectivity Division, Office of the Secretary-General, ASEAN
Mr Lim Chze Cheen is Director of the ASEAN Connectivity Division under the Office of the Secretary-General at the ASEAN Secretariat. He supported the development and implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and its preceding document.
Prior to assuming this position, he was Assistant Director of the Strategic Planning and Coordination Division, which managed the overall reporting of progress of ASEAN Community as well as the development of ASEAN cooperation programmes and projects. He earlier served as Assistant Director handling ASEAN Economic Community coordination, particularly the development and monitoring of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2015, and Senior Officer handling Trade in Services and Tourism.
Before joining the ASEAN Secretariat in 2005, Mr Lim was a Senior Research Officer at the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER), specialising in macroeconomics and industrial studies.

- H.E. Mr. Viengthong Hatsachanh
- Mayor, Luang Prabang City, Lao People's Democratic Republic

- H.E. Mr. Viengthong Hatsachanh
- Mayor, Luang Prabang City, Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Full name: Viengthong HATSACHANH
- Position: Mayor of Luang Prabang City, Luang Prabang Province, Laos (Member of Standing Committee of Luang Prabang Provincial Party)
- Previous position: Governor of Phoukhoun District, Luang Prabang Province, laos
- Sex: Male
- Date of birth: 01 February 1963
- Address: Muenloukthao Road, Viengmai Village, Luang Prabang City, Laos
- Background: Police academic

- Dr. Drs. Amran, MT
- Director General of Regional Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic of Indonesia

- Dr. Drs. Amran, MT
- Director General of Regional Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs of Republic of Indonesia
Personal Details
- Date of Birth
- Sengkang, 8 July 1974
- 2023 - Present
- Acting of Director General of Regional Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs
- 2022 - 2023
- Director General of Regions, Urban and State Border, Ministry of Home Affairs
- 2020 - 2022
- Head of Bureau for Planning and Finance, Ombudsman
- 2016
- Social Welfare | Doctor of Social Welfare, University of Indonesia (UI)
- 2004
- Urban and Regional Planning | Magister of Engineering, University of Diponegoro (UNDIP)
- 2001
- Human Resource Management | Bachelor of Science, Institute of Government Science (IIP)
- 1997
- Bachelor of Science, Higher Education Government of Home Affairs (STPDN)

- H.E. Mr. Linne Yun
- Deputy Governor of Siem Reap Province, Kingdom of Cambodia

- H.E. Mr. Linne Yun
- Deputy Governor of Siem Reap Province, Kingdom of Cambodia
Linne YUN becomes Deputy Governor of Siem Reap Province on 30th August 2022. His responsibilities include the Siem Reap SMART City Development Project, Communication and International Relation, Sustainable City Development, Community Development (One Village one Product) , and Environment and Eco-tourism.
He previously worked at the national level, Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh.
Before joining the current post, Linne YUN involved extensively with local/international NGOs and government agencies in the strategic decision-making team involved in developing strategic plan and implementation, forming HR policy, Research and Development, M& E and a lecturer at local universities.
Master of Commerce, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 2003
BA of Business Administration, National University of Management, 2000

- Dr. Punya Chupanit
- Director General, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport, Kingdom of Thailand

- Dr. Punya Chupanit
- Director General, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport, Kingdom of Thailand
- Family Name
- Chupanit
- First Name
- Punya
- Education, (year)
B.Eng (Civil) Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
April 1990 to April 1994M.Eng (Structural Engineering), Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Bangkok, Thailand. September 1994 to April 1996
Ph.D. (Transportation Engineering), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA August 1998 to January 2005
- Employer
- Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transportation (Thailand)
Period of Employment February 2021 to Present
- Position/ Title Held
- Director General
- Job Description
- The main duty is to supervise the setup of policies/planning for Ministry of Transport. The duty also includes supervision of feasibility studies of logistic projects in order to reduce logistic cost and enhance logistic efficiency.

- Atty. Tristan Dwight P. Domingo
- Asst. City Administrator Davao City Government, Republic of the Philippines

- Atty. Tristan Dwight P. Domingo
- Asst. City Administrator Davao City Government, Republic of the Philippines
Tristan Dwight P. Domingo earned his Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences) Major in Political Science and Sociology at the University of the Philippines (UP), and his law degree at the Ateneo de Davao University. After his admission to the Bar, he joined the City Government of Davao, specifically the City Legal Office in the year 2008. During his stint therein he was tasked to lead the Transportation Regulatory Division. Thereafter, on October 2011 he was promoted as the Officer In-Charge of the Business Bureau under the City Mayor’s Office and was tasked to issue Mayor’s Permits for businesses and the conduct of activities in the city. Short of two (2) years thereafter he was promoted to his current position as the Assistant City Administrator. He has been working for the City Government of Davao for more than 15 years.
Since 2018 he has been designated as the Project Manager for two (2) of the city’s most important projects, the Davao Public Transport Modernization Project or the Davao Bus Project, and the Project for the Construction of Waste-to-Energy Facilities in Davao City (WTE Project).
The Davao Bus Project is a 1 Billion USD worth project that aims to replace all the estimated 7,000 jeepneys in the city to more than 1,000 bus units, at least 300 of which will be electric buses. The Davao Bus Project is jointly funded by the City Government of Davao, the Asian Development Bank and the Department of Transportation of the Philippines. The WTE Project is an ongoing initiative to introduce a first of its kind waste management system that shall serve as a pilot project for the entire country of the Philippines. It seeks to utilize Japanese waste incineration technology in the management of the city's solid wastes. The WTE Project is duly supported by the Government of Japan with technical assistance, as well as over 5 Billion Japanese Yen worth of financial grant.
Finally, since September 2021, he has been designated as the Chief Smart City Officer of Davao City for the ASEAN Smart Cities Network.

- Ms. Rizawati Binti Abdul Kadir
- Undersecretary, Urban Sustainability and Green Environment Division, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia

- Ms. Rizawati Binti Abdul Kadir
- Undersecretary, Urban Sustainability and Green Environment Division, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia
Urban Sustainability and Green Environment Division
Ministry of Housing and Local Government
- Responsible for the planning and formulation of policies, strategies, action plans and legislation on Local Government, solid waste management and urban planning.
- Coordinate cooperation between Ministries and agencies of the Federal government, State Government, Local Authorities, private sector and the community for the implementation of policies, strategies, action plans and legislation on Local Government, solid waste urban planning.
- 1996
- International Islamic University of Malaysia
Bachelor of Human Sciences (Hons) (Communication) - 2014
- University Putra Malaysia
Master in Human Resource Development
- 2021 to present
- Under Secretary
Urban Sustainability and Green Environment Division Ministry of Housing and Local Government - 2015
- Senior Deputy Director
Organizational Develoment Division
Public Service Department - 2014
- Principal Assistant Director
Remumerataion Division
Public Service Department - 2008
- Principal Assistant Director
Organizational Development Division
Public Service Department - 2004
- Principal Assistant Director
Legal Affairs Division
Prime Minister’s Department - 2003
- Assistant Director
Federal Regional Development and Klang Valley Planning Division Prime Minister’s Department - 1999
- Assistant Director
Administration Division
Ministry of Housing and Local Government - 1996
- Assistant Director
Personnel Management Division
Ministry of Housing and Local Government
- 2023
- State Award ‘Paduka Setia Mahkota Kelantan’ From The King Of Kelantan State, Malaysia
- 2021
- Federal Award ‘Johan Setia Mangku Negara’ from The King of Malaysia
- 2015
- Excellent Service Award
- 2009
- Excellent Service Award

- Mr. Muhammad Ruslan Bin Haji Mahadi
- Head of Smart Nation Office, Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, Brunei Darussalam

- Mr. Muhammad Ruslan Bin Haji Mahadi
- Head of Smart Nation Office, Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, Brunei Darussalam
Muhammad Ruslan Bin Haji Mahadi, was born on 12 December 1983 and had joined the Government services in October 2006 under the Department of Information Technology and State Store (ITSS), Ministry of Finance as System Engineer. Now leading a new team under Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, he is the lead role in architecting Brunei development in Smart City initiative as well as coordinating with multiple Government stakeholders to achieve Brunei vision in becoming a smart nation.
Prior to his appointment as Head of Smart Nation Office under Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications in 2023, he served as Head of Solution Architect Office under E-Government National Centre (EGNC) between 2013-2022, achieving Government transformation in supporting the planning and architecting Government private cloud infrastructure on top of consulting Government ICT projects for the whole of Government.
Muhammad Ruslan Bin Haji Mahadi served as a Business Development team in EGNC after transferring from ITSS Department to EGNC in 2010. Achieving to create and develop new services for the Government during the younger years of EGNC as a department.
Muhammad Ruslan bin Haji Mahadi obtained his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland in June 2006.
Muhammad Ruslan bin Haji Mahadi speaks both English and Malay.
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パネルディスカッション GXに資するスマートシティの取組について Secretary of State, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Kingdom of Cambodia Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Kingdom of Thailand Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic |

- 小笠原 憲一
- 国土交通省大臣官房

- 小笠原 憲一
- 国土交通省大臣官房
Employment History
- Jul 2024
- Deputy Minister for International Projects, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
- Jul 2023
- Deputy Director-General, Water and Disaster Management Bureau, MLIT
- Apr 2021
- Acting President, Japan Housing Finance Agency (JHF)
- Jun 2020
- Senior Director, Overseas Projects Division, Policy Bureau, MLIT
- Jul 2018
- Senior Director, Construction Market Division, Land Economy and Construction Industries Bureau, MLIT
- Jul 2017
- Counsellor for tax policy, Minister's Secretariat, Minister's Secretariat, MLIT
- Apr 2017
- Senior Director, Public-Private Partnership Policy Division, Policy Bureau, MLIT
- Apr 2014
- Deputy Mayor, Kyoto City Office
- Apr 2012
- Director of City Planning, Kyoto City Office
- Aug 2010
- Construction Industry Promotion Office Manager, Construction Market Division, Policy Bureau, MLIT
- Oct 2009
- Director for Public Relations, Public Relations Division, Minister's Secretariat, MLIT
- Apr 2007
- Director for Water Administration Policy Planning, Water Administration Division, River Bureau, MLIT
- Jul 2005
- Senior Deputy Director, Budget and Accounts Division, Minister's Secretariat, MLIT
- Apr 2003
- Senior Director, General Affairs Division, Public Works Department, Shimane Prefectural Government
- Apr 2001
- Senior Director, Settlement Planning Division, Planning and Promotion Department, Shimane Prefectural Government
- Jul 2000
- Deputy Director, Parks and Green Spaces Division, City Bureau, MLIT
- Apr 1991
- Joined the Ministry of Construction, Japan
Academic Degree
Bachelor's degree in Economics, Faculty of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Master of Public Policy, Georgetown University

- 石田 東生
- 筑波大学名誉教授

- 石田 東生
- 筑波大学名誉教授
Short CV
- 1951
- Born in Osaka Pref.
- 1974
- Graduated from CE Dept. of Tokyo Univ.
- 1978
- Asst Prof. ,Tokyo Inst. Of Technology
- 1982
- Prof. , Tsukuba Univ.
- 2016
- Prof. Emeritus, Tsukuba Univ.
Area of Studies
Transportation Planning and Policy Development, Infrastructure Policy
Development, National Land Planning
Public Services
Cabinet Office
Chair, Committee on Smart City Guidebook
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Member, Council of Infrastructure Policy, Chair of Road Policy Committee
Member, Council of National Land Development
Chair, Domestic Supporting Committee for ASEAN Smart City Network
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Member, Committee on Autonomous Driving Business

- 村上 恵美子
- 北九州市環境局環境国際戦略課長

- 村上 恵美子
- 北九州市環境局環境国際戦略課長
Institution:Kitakyushu City Environment Bureau
International Environmental Strategies Division
Short Bio
After majored in chemical engineering in Kyushu university, acquired environmental management in MSc at Imperial College of London University.
Since taking a position in Kitakyushu City, involving wide range of environmental projects to contribute to sustainable development and SDGs such as
Solid waste management in South East Asia
Promoting renewable energ
Promotion circular economy with Kitakyushu Eco Town
City management for carbon neutrality
Encourage local companies to contribute to Asian countries with their technology including research and development with university and research institutions.
The cats are my family member and the best partners for relax and stimulating inspiration.

- 山田 光影
- (株)オリエンタル

- 山田 光影
- (株)オリエンタル
Mitsukage Yamada is a Japanese project management and smart grid expert, currently serving as the Deputy General Manager of the Smart City Department at Oriental Consultants Global. He holds both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in electrical engineering from Tohoku University. With over 25 years of experience in smart grids, SCADA systems, and renewable energy, Yamada has led numerous international projects across Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific. His expertise spans project planning, design, and cost estimation for advanced energy systems. He is also a licensed Project Management Professional (PMP).

- H.E. Dr. Pen Sophal
- Secretary of State, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Kingdom of Cambodia

- H.E. Dr. Pen Sophal
- Secretary of State, Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, Kingdom of Cambodia
H.E. Dr. PEN SOPHAL is a Secretary of State of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction of the Royal Government of Cambodia. He has held this office since September 2013.
Born in Phnom Penh on 5 April 1970, he is an architect and lawyer with a distinguished career in public services such as the Permanent Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of National Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning and the Secretary General of National Committee for Cambodia's Coastal Management and Development at the level of Secretary of State from 2012.He is also a Governing Council member of APSARA Authority and a Governing Council Member of Board of Cambodian Architects. In the Ministry he assists Senior Minister, Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction on Land Management, Urban Planning, Construction Permits and Coastal Management and Development.
He holds the PhD, Master and Bachelor of Law specialized in Public Law in Phnom Penh and also hold the Master and Bachelor of Art in Architecture and Town Planning in Phnom Penh. Dr. Pen S FRICS is a fellow of Royal Institute of Charters Surveyors (Asia).
Dr. Pen Sophal has passed a lot of Professional training as city Planner in Japan, in Netherlands, in Singapore and in South Korea.
He was employed by UNESCO as a lecturer of theory of practice in Architecture between 1997 and 2003 for Royal University of Fine Arts. Lecture of Architecture and Urban Planning Framework for Norton University and Professor for doctoral degree in law at Royal Academic of Cambodia. Now he is a lecturer at Ecok Royal Administration (ERA)
He was the Cabinet Director of Senior Minister of Land Management, Urban planning and Construction between 2003 and 2006 and he was the director of Urban Planning Department between 2006 and 2013. As a director of Urban Planning and Secretary General of the National Committee for Land Management and Urban Planning, he has made a lot of frameworks for the Ministry including draft law on Land Management and Urban Planning, Sub- decree on Urban Planning, Government circular on Coastal Development framework, Procedure for Urban Land Use and Master Plan, national policy for spatial planning, and other Ministry Regulations. He is a leading professional person with high experiences in Urban and Spatial Planning in Cambodia and his recent leading works such as the completion of Regional Spatial Plan of Cambodia Coastal Area, Sihanoukville provincial Spatial Plan and 14 Urban Master Plans for Cities and Towns and continuing to complete all urban Master Plans in Cambodia Cities and Towns.
Dr. Pen received a number of awards, including a gold medal, Medal of Preah Mohaksatreyani Preah Sisovat Monivong Kosamak Nearyroth at Mohaseireyroth Level, Medal of Monisaraphorn at Mohaseireyroth Level, Medals of the Kingdom of Cambodia at Mohaseireyroth Level, Medal of the Kingdom of Cambodia at Mohasena Level and Medal Cheatopakar from the King and the Royal Government of Cambodia.

- Dr. Wetang Phuangsup
- Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Kingdom of Thailand

- Dr. Wetang Phuangsup
- Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Kingdom of Thailand
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Spokesman of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Ministry of Digital Economy and Society
Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (2018 - present)
- Deputy Permanent Secretary
(Oct 2021 - present)
- Acting Secretary General of the Office of Personal Data Protection Committee
(Oct 2021 - present)
- Senior Advisor in Tele-communication
(2020 - 2021)
- Executive Director, Strategy and Planning Division
(2018 - 2020)
Ministry of Finance, Fiscal Policy Office
- Senior Expert in International Finance and Fiscal System
National Reform Council
Subcommittee on Promoting New Economic Reforms, National Reform Council
Expert of the Economic Reform Commission, National Reform Council
Vice Chairman of the Personal Data Protection Committee (2022– present)
Board member of the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (2022– present)
Ph.D. in Economics (Royal Thai Government Scholarship)
- Cornell University, NY, USA
- Concentrations: Finance, Public Finance and Econometrics.
B.E. in Engineering
- Chulalongkorn University
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ビジネスマッチング |
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成果文書確認・ Director General, Department of Housing and Urban Planning, Ministry of Public Works and Transport, Lao People's Democratic Republic |
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